Has AI already taken over the world?

3 min readMay 23, 2024


Analytical agencies have researched the behavior of neural network users, and we have highlighted the most important statistical facts and compiled them into a single report.

Read in the cards how everyday people, businesses, and developers use AI. Do you use AI at work?

Sources: Neurostat, Forbes Advisor, IBM, GitHub

Young people use neural networks more often for practical tasks, while the older generation uses them for entertainment

The young generation (18–34 years old) in Russia uses text-based neural networks for work and study more frequently than others. With neural networks, young people write code, social media posts, and create content plans.

The older audience (45–65 years old) uses neural networks for creating music, processing and enhancing photo quality, and writing poetry.

Source: Neurostat

Businesses adopt AI due to staff shortages and operational transformation

25% of companies turn to AI to address workforce shortages. AI helps businesses optimize operations and compensate for the lack of human resources.

Source: IBM

64% of companies believe that AI will help increase their overall productivity.

Source: Forbes Advisor

Businesses most often delegate everyday tasks to AI

Source: Forbes Advisor

Almost all developers (92%) use AI coding tools

Developers see significant advantages in using artificial intelligence tools, including increased productivity, improved coding skills, and enhanced team collaboration.

Source: GitHub

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